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Looking for Detroit Bunnies, circa 1966

Name: Sharon Boldvich
Email: sboldvich@hotmail.com
Date: 26th July 2001
Time: 14:54


I was a Detroit Playboy Bunny in 1966. I was there for a very short time. Had I had been a little older I might have stayed longer.

I can remember dumping a full tray of drinks on Hugh Hefner as he approached the bunny station . This man wasn't listening to my words. "Please don't touch the Bunnies." As I made a mad dash for the basement level thru the kitchen he kept coming. When I reached the bottom to tell the bunny mother a man was following me. She pointed out who he was. OOPS! Guess it pays to know who you are working for.

I was really surprised it was there.

Who cares about ex Playboy Bunnies anyway? We are antiques now. That was a highlight in my life though. I had fun after my feet got over the initial shock of the pain of wearing those high heels. LOLOLOL

Sharon Boldvich

Bunny Sharon
Detroit Playboy Club
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Last changed: March 18, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu