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Good Ole Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Name: Bunny Liz (Carolyn)
Email: carrolynn@aol.com
Date: 11th November 2001
Time: 20:57


1972-73 Anyone out there from those Lake Geneva, Wisc. yonder wonder years???

Like Bunny Heidi... or Bunny Carolyn... or Bunny Peco... Bunny Heather...

Remember when we saw Ole Bob Hope going to his room ALONE? And Frank Sinatra Jr. pissed off at us Wisconsin "Brick Cheese" Bunnies cuz he thought we were NOT FRIENDLY ... that was till I sat down with him and "Explained" THAT WE WERE NOT!!! LOL. How about our Bunny Mothers Gail and Brooke? And what happened to Peter the room manager and Bunny Wendy, Bunny Buffy and Bunny Christine (who said someone tried to attack her one night in the Bunny Hutch off the Brute golf course... never caught the dude.)

How about when Peggy Lee came there to perform in the Penthouse and Burt the Piano Man... those were some long cold days up there in cheese land... but IT WAS FUN... it WAS a Blast and Hef... thanks for NOT coming to see us (ok maybe you 'touched' down ONCE in your plane but you never "landed" catch my drift?

We were the best OF ALL at the Lake Geneva Playboy Club!!!! The best story was Bunny Heidi working the afternoon shift at the sidewalk cafe she had to toss a cool drink in the face of an insulting customer, for he was using the most foul language on her!!! Here's to Bunny Heidi... and here's to a great experience in Life... The Lake Geneva Playboy Club, Wisconsin.

Carolyn Hathaway

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Last changed: March 18, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu