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Looking for London Bunny Lyn Partington

Name: Sue Bourne
Email: sue@sbourne.freeserve.co.uk
Date: 9th July 2002
Time: 15:25


I wonder if anyone may be able to help me find an ex-Bunny from the London Club, Lyn Partington.

I am working for Granada TV (Britain) on documentary for Channel 4 about the life of the famous British DJ Tony Blackburn and as she was an ex-girlfriend of his, it would be great to make contact with her.

As well as finding out what it was like to go out with a celebrity DJ, I would also like to speak to her about what she remembers of Swinging London in the 60's & 70's and what it was like to be part of the glamorous party scene. I believe she is living in the States now, but I don't know for certain.

If anyone knows of her whereabouts I'd be very grateful if you could put her in contact with me.

You can email me at sue@sbourne.freeserve.co.uk or at my home email which is, sophieroberts@ukf.net.

Thank you in very much for any help you can provide, I hope to hear back from someone soon.

Kind regards.

Sophie Roberts
Associate Producer

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Last changed: March 18, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu