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Old school friend - Ann Phillips (London Bunny)

Name: Penny Denby
Email: pdenby@dsl.pipex.com
Date: 15th July 2002
Time: 19:15


I wonder if anyone is able to point me in the right direction to find an old school friend?

I think it is possible that she was a London Bunny - probably in the late 60s / early 70s. Her name was Ann Phillips and she would be about 56 years old now.

Our Folkestone Technical High School reunion is in Keston, near Bromley, Kent on the weekend of 7th / 8th September so it would be really good to track Ann down in time to invite her.

I believe that, at the time she was at boarding school, her home was in the Bromley area. Her father owned a number of fish and chip shops and the family, according to other 'old girl' memories moved to Maidstone.

Any information or suggestions as to who to ask would be much appreciated.

Penny Denby

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