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Re: How to clean a Bunny Tail

Name: Gina - the American Indian Bunny (Empire Club)
Date: 27th December 2002
Time: 14:52


HARVEY! Remember me? I remember a party you had at your place (I'm fairly certain it was your place) in Brooklyn. I can't remember the occasion, but we were all on your roof and there were incredible fireworks around the Statue of Liberty. Memorable!

I've also got pictures of a bunch of us playing softball in Central Park. Dang...we were a good looking bunch! LOL. You and I were also on Bill Boggs morning show together.

Do you keep in touch with anyone? I haven't heard from a soul. Remember Louis? He and I kept up a relationship for a year or so after I moved back to Michigan (1989 - Geez. I'm ancient) but he got married and so did I.

Don't know if you remember Loraine? She was the Navy Bunny - brunette, petite, buxom. Computer programmer by day? I saw her in NYC a few years back - she was friends with a guy I dated here in Michigan. That was a strange scenario.

I'm still in Michigan and very happily married for almost 11 years with one son age 4. So what's new with you? Still in New York?

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