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Looking for Miami and New York Bunnies

Name: Sandy
Email: RichardnSandy1@cs.com
Date: 14th January 2003
Time: 16:05


Hi, this is Sandy (Red), ex-Playboy Bunny from the opening of the Miami club and also the opening of the N.Y. Club.

I am so thrilled to have found that there are still a lot of us, alive and still HOPPING.

I would love to talk to any of you gals that I worked with to know how life has been for you after Playboy.

Some of the girls that I worked with in Miami were Connie Mason, Shelby Livingston, Barbara Manataqes, Sandy Green, Alene, GiGi, Buttina, Patty and Alice.

A bunch of us used to go to the Place for Steak after work on 79th. St. Causeway and other such places. One of the bartenders that I remember was Artie.

Oddly enough in New York I only remember a few names. Linda Whickstrom, Phillis and I draw a blank about other names, haven't forgot the faces though.

Hope I hear from someone so that we can exchange memories.

Love Sandy, still Red.

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Last changed: March 18, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu