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St. Louis Playboy Club, 1982 - 1986

Name: Bunny Brenda Randall
Email: Randall223@aol.com
Date: 9th March 2003
Time: 20:51


I am so excited to have found this website!! I was a Bunny from 1982 until the closing of the St. Louis Club in early 1986.

I think of those years a lot, and with the fondest of memories. We were truly a breed of our own. I am proud to have been a part of very unique moment in time.

My daughter is Miss Missouri Homecoming Queen and will be relinquishing her crown next month for next year's pageant winner and I have been asked to be a judge at this years pageant. In stating to the audience, my qualifications as a judge beyond being the mother of the reigning queen, I was sadly hesitant in announcing my years with Playboy. Discovering this website has reminded me of how proud I am, without hesitation: the judge is an ex-and always Playboy Bunny!!

Looking forward to seeing all the girls at the reunion in Vegas next February!!!!

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Last changed: March 18, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu