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Pictures of art at Playboy Club

Name: Jim Bouvet
Email: jim@traktor.net
Date: 09 May 2003
Time: 20:46


Does anyone have any photographs that show the interior of the club when it was open. The reason I ask is that I bought a very cool piece of artwork - sort of a rug type piece that is green and white, showing abstract figures around a table and signed "Bill Hinz" artist. It is supposedly from the Chicago Playboy Club. I just thought if anyone worked there might remember that art - apparently there were 6 or 7 pieces of rug-art like this (musical instruments, piano, etc) hanging in the club. I'm just curious, and would be interested if someone has a photo. Thanks!

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Last changed: May 09, 2003 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu